Monty Python!

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If you enjoy English humour (not many people do), you'll love this group of English bloaks called Monty Python.
My homies in "Monty Python" said to me, "hey Caleb, in your site, you've gotta but us in there some where". I replied "Ok John (Cleese), but only if I get 20% of the prophits of the Monyt Python's Flying Circuis DVD sales". He said, "Well I'm sorry, but i cannot garauntee anything at this point in time." So I said "Is there anyone who I can call to arange a meeting?" He said no. but thats ok, because They decided to launch they obey Caleb subliminal messaging in there next film. Unfortunately they have made a film since the seventies, so I'm still waiting.

<- Thats them
It's my boys from merry old England. Well exept for the guy on the far right. He's from New York.

I'm A Lumberjack
Probably the most famous, and memorable sketches was the Lumberjack sketch. Especialy in June 2001, when Colin Carey and his friends did their own rendition of the song. Colin ended up revealing a bra in the end. Boy that was funny. I am getting pictures soon.